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About Us

Save the earth with cells.

The cells are amazing.

Mankind should make more use of cells.

There are no tools to fully utilize cells.

We make good tools.


Company Information

Company Name

CellFiber Co., Ltd.


April 1st, 2015


MSC Fukagawa Building No.2 #107, 2-9-8 Saga, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0031, JAPAN


Research, development, production, and sale of biomaterials,
including cells, and soft materials


Board Member


Representative Director, CEO

Yu Yanagisawa, Ph.D.(Chemistry)

Yu Yanagisawa received his PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. During his studies, he conducted research on functional polymer materials in Takuzo Aida’s laboratory. He joined CellFiber in February 2018, became a director in May of the same year, and assumed the position of representative director in June 2019. Immediately after joining the company, he has been serving as a principal investigator in projects sponsored by AMED, NEDO, etc., and has been leading the business of CellFiber.

Aki Adachi

Board Director

Aki Adachi M.A.(Biology)

Aki Adachi received her master’s degree from Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo (Shoji Takeuchi Laboratory, Institute of Industrial Science). After working for a private company for several years, she was appointed as the research promoter of the JST ERATO Takeuchi Bio Integration Project. In April 2015, together with Takeuchi, Okitsu, and Onoe, she established CellFiber Co., Ltd. based on the cell fiber technology that was the result of the ERATO project, and became the representative director. Currently, she is responsible for the development of internal and external business infrastructure and serves as the representative with Yanagisawa.

Hiroaki Onoe


Hiroaki Onoe, Ph.D.(Mechanical Engineering)

Hiroaki Onoe received his PhD in Information Science and Engineering from the University of Tokyo, and had been an assistant professor in Shoji Takeuchi’s lab since April 2009, where he developed cell fiber technology as an assistant researcher and group leader of the ERATO Takeuchi Project. He started his career as an independent PI in the Faculty of Science and Technology at Keio University in April 2014, and has also served as a Board Director of CellFiber since April 2016. In April 2017 he was awarded the Young Scientist Prize of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for his research on in vitro tissue formation including cell fibers.

Kunihiko Suzuki


Kunihiko Suzuki

Kuni Suzuki has been dedicating his last 20 years in the space of cell & gene therapies/regenerative medicine as the management of MEDINET Co., Ltd as CEO, CBO and so on, after his business career starting at ESSO SEKIYU K.K., an affiliate of Exxon Corp, and working at Nikko Securities Co., Ltd. in the area of investment banking, commercial banking and custodian banking over 20 years.

With joining to MEDINET in 2006, he also play an important functions at FIRM (Forum for Innovative Regenerative Medicine), the industrial advocacy for CGT/RM in Japan by working together with ARM, ISCT, CCRM, C&G Catapult and others.

Shoji Takeuchi


Shoji Takeuchi (Mechanical Engineering)

Professor ,The University of Tokyo

Teru Okitsu


Teru Okitsu (Medical Science)

Specially-appointed professor, The University of Tokyo

Kazuchika Furuishi

Board Director, CSO

Kazuchika Furuishi, Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Kazuchika Furuishi received his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto Univercity.

 He has been in the industry for decades and went through Sales Manager at Global Market of Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd., Deputy General Manager at Regenerative Medicine Business Sector of Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd., CEO of Minaris Regenerative Medicine, LLC, and Corporate Officier and General Manager, Regenerative Medicine Business Sector of Showa Denko Materials Co., Ltd.

In Dec 2022, he joined CellFiber. And from July 2023, he became Board Director, Chief Strategic Officer.

Taira Kobayashi

Board Director (External)

Taira Kobayashi

Taira Kobayashi is working for JAFCO in the Academia-Industry Collaboration and Life Sciences Investment Group, and has invested and supported R&D startups in various sectors ranging from Deep Tech to drug discovery.

He also serves as a JST-START project promoter, commercializing university-launched ventures, and gives lectures at universities and other institutions based on his career and experience.
Taira previously held a Medical Science Liaison - Central Nervous System and was involved in in-house business planning, including digital health business development and METI projects at TAKEDA Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. From 2013 to 2017, he served as a researcher at TOYOTA Central R&D Labs, where he was involved in R&D across all engineering fields and promoted business development in neuroscience and artificial cells at the Strategic Research Division. Before TOYOTA, he served as an academic researcher at the Institute of Medical Science - The University of Tokyo(IMSUT) and promoted basic medical research in bacterial infection and innate immunity of human cells.


Board Member

Representative Director, CEO

Yu Yanagisawa, Ph.D.(Chemistry)

Yu Yanagisawa received his PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. During his studies, he conducted research on functional polymer materials in Takuzo Aida’s laboratory. He joined CellFiber in February 2018, became a director in May of the same year, and assumed the position of representative director in June 2019. Immediately after joining the company, he has been serving as a principal investigator in projects sponsored by AMED, NEDO, etc., and has been leading the business of CellFiber.。

Representative Director, CAO

Aki Adachi M.A.(Biology)

Aki Adachi received her master’s degree from Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo (Shoji Takeuchi Laboratory, Institute of Industrial Science). After working for a private company for several years, she was appointed as the research promoter of the JST ERATO Takeuchi Bio Integration Project. In April 2015, together with Takeuchi, Okitsu, and Onoe, she established CellFiber Co., Ltd. based on the cell fiber technology that was the result of the ERATO project, and became the representative director. Currently, she is responsible for the development of internal and external business infrastructure and serves as the representative with Yanagisawa.

Board Director, COO

Hidetoshi Hoshiya, PhD FRSA MRSB (Regenerative Medicine)

After receiving a Ph.D. in regenerative medicine from Tottori University (Japan), he engaged in research at Tottori University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute (Italy), University College London, and Queen Mary University of London (UK). Since 2015, as the manager for the Asian and Oceanian territory, he developed, refined, and implemented the strategy of the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, an organization established by the UK government for the industrialization of regenerative medicine, including gene and cell therapy. In November 2019, he became an independent consultant for Start-up, Non-profit, Large pharmaceutical companies in Europe and Asia such as France, UK, and Japan. In December 2020, he was appointed to the board of CellFiber. He has over 15 years of experience in regenerative medicine, cell and gene therapy field.

Board Director

Hiroaki Onoe, Ph.D.(Mechanical Engineering)

Hiroaki Onoe received his PhD in Information Science and Engineering from the University of Tokyo, and had been an assistant professor in Shoji Takeuchi’s lab since April 2009, where he developed cell fiber technology as an assistant researcher and group leader of the ERATO Takeuchi Project. He started his career as an independent PI in the Faculty of Science and Technology at Keio University in April 2014, and has also served as a Board Director of CellFiber since April 2016. In April 2017 he was awarded the Young Scientist Prize of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for his research on in vitro tissue formation including cell fibers.


Yoshinobu Osaka

After joining Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, he was in charge of large corporate sales and M&A finance. In April 2016, he was appointed as a Specially Appointed Researcher in Shoji Takeuchi’s laboratory, and was selected for the JST ACCEL Program, becoming JST ACCEL Program Manager in August 2016. He also serves as President and Representative Director of Glocalink, Inc. He received his B.A. from the Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University.


Shoji Takeuchi (Mechanical Engineering)

Professor ,The University of Tokyo



Teru Okitsu (Medical Science)

Specially-appointed professor, The University of Tokyo


Nicholas Gaddum

Nicholas Gaddum

Detailed profile >>


Awards / Grants


[News] Grant application for CiCLE, AMED is officially approved

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Awards / Grants


[News] Grant application for CiCLE, AMED is approved

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Awards / Grants


[News] Grant application for CiCLE by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) is approved

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Announcement of New Board Directors

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Fund raising


[Fundraise] CellFiber raises US$5.5 million in funding from JAFCO and four other companies

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[Pitch Event] GRIC PITCH on November 16th

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Joint Research Partners

  • Setsuro Tech Inc.
  • Myoridge Co. Ltd.
  • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
  • HiLung Inc.
  • Tokushima University: Molecular endocrinology research subfield
  • Keio University: Miki Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology
  • Osaka University: Biochemical Engineering Area, Department of Biotechnology, Division of Biotechnology, School / Graduate School of Engineering
  • Musashino University: Laboratory of Life Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • CiRA Foundation
  • TTP plc
  • Toyobo Co., Ltd.
  • Ebara Corporation
  • Healios K.K.
  • Locus Cell Co., Ltd.
  • Hitachi, Ltd.
    (In no particular order)


  • Weekly Diamond October 26, 2019
  • the University of Tokyo's Official Magazine “Tansei”
  • ASCII Health Tech January 21, 2019
  • JST News March, 2018
  • Tankyu no Kaidan (TV Tokyo)
  • the SOCIAL  (Nippon Television Network)
  • Monnashi Academy 2.0  (Nippon Television Network)
  • Innovation World (J Wave)
  • Nikkei Biotechology & Business
  • Nikkei XTECH

Received Grants and Funds

  • Manufacturing Technology Association of Biologics (MAB)
  • New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center
  • Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)
  • Ichimura Foundation for New Technology
  • Mitsubishi UFJ Technology Development Foundation (MU-TECH)
  • Kanagawa Prefecture